2021 Board of Directors

The Annual Meeting of the Legacy Villas Homeowners Association was held
virtually on November 17, 2020. Fourteen residents representing 14 units
were in attendance. Six units voted with mail-in or email ballots.

Board members reported on various projects during the year including gate
issues, tree trimming, wall repair and an irrigation leak. Treasurer Lori
Verreault provided an update on the 2020 budget. The proposed budget for
2021 was presented and approved. There will be no increase in the budget
or in the assessment fee for 2021.

Jenifer Lovejoy and Susan Morgan were re-elected to the Board of Directors
for two-year terms. Aaron Clairmont offered to seek election for the two-year term vacated by Joan Simonetti.and was elected. Aaron is a new resident of Legacy Villas. Remaining members of the Board include Ace Clark, Ursula Demciuch, Liz Grigg and Lori Verreault.

On December 16, 2020, Jenifer Lovejoy was elected President; Aaron
Clairmont, Vice President; and Lori Verreault, Secretary/Treasurer.

Board meetings are tentatively scheduled for the third Wednesday of each
month at 7:00 p.m. Agendas will be posted on the Community Bulletin
Board in advance of each meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a Board member or